Photos of Our Past Restorations

Request: Gray-Beige/beige & Blue metallic/red 280SL's

“Hello Brian,

This is ‘B’ from Slovakia. First of all I would like to tell you that we appreciate particullary you restoration. We are restoring one 280 SL W113 acctually in finale phase and we appreciated the examples from your restoration whitch you published on your old website it was very helpfull for us. I would like to know if there some possibility to have or to see the details photos from blue ligth metalic (interier red) and brown light (with interier beige) SL W113 ( before, during and after the restioration).Thank you very much for your answer Best regards


Thank you for your note. On our site, if you go to “Portfolio/Sold Cars” then click on the line: “1969 280SL, restored” which is below the photo it will take you to the photos of the Gray-Beige car that we restored.

We still have yet to re-post the photos of the silver-blue/red car aka: the My MINK car. Hopefully in a few days we will get them up.

We are also working on getting the photos of many of our past cars posted together on one page rather than the standard “slide show” but this may take some time. – Brian
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